This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Many people ask Dane Rauschenberg a simple question: "Why?"

Rauschenberg responds with an even simpler, "Why not?"

It's hard for people to understand the 33-year-old, Salt Lake City-based runner who completed 52 marathons in 52 weekends in 2006 and just recently completed the American Odyssey Relay -- a 202-mile relay race, by himself.

"Two years ago, I never thought this is what I would be doing and nowI am," Rauschenberg said. "I don't know where the road is going to take me. It's just kind of fun for now."

Rauschenberg ran the Freedom Half Marathon, on July 3, and because of his hectic traveling schedule it was only the fourth weekend he enjoyed at home all year.

The 13.1 mile-race started in Emigration Canyon and ended at the State Capitol Building. Rauschenberg finished in 9th place with a time of 1:25:24.

"I rarely get to run local," Rauschenberg said. "I always like to help local races if I can because those are the ones that are the grass-roots of running. It's the first-year races with 400 hundred people that really get people off the couch."

Rauschenberg completed the American Odyssey race on April 22 and since then has been doing what he considers "taking it easy," by running shorter distance races and working on building his speed.

"[The American Odyssey] took a lot out of me," Rauschenberg said. "It's sounds obvious but it wasn't something I noticed right away in my daily routine. But when I would put on my shoes and go for a run within a half a mile I would be completely spent."

Rauschenberg finished the Odyssey in a little over 50 hours and during the race, he would only take an hour and a half nap every 12 hours, and a break to eat every six or seven hours.

"The thing with that type of event is that if you stop for too long you wont be able to get moving again," Rauschenberg said.

Ruschenberg wasn't always a runner. His main sports in high school were football and swimming and picked up running during law school because it was the only exercise he could fit in between class and studying.

He's also taken tests for his heart rate and for his V02 (oxygen uptake) lung capacity. The results?

"I've had certain tests done and there's nothing that is like; 'OK that's why I can do all of this,'" Ruschenberg said. "If anything [the tests proved] what you can do with a mediocre body."

One can try to get into the head of a man who completed law school only to pursue a professional career in running, by reading his book, See Dane Run , where he talks about running 52 marathons in 52 weekends. He's also almost completed a second book titled, What I Learned About Life, Women and Running in My First 100 Marathons .

"My life completely went the other way," Ruschenberg said. "Life takes you on crazy routes."

Ruschenberg's next major goal is to run from his home town, Titusville, Penn., to Titusville, Fla., maintaining 40 miles a day for 30 straight days.

In addition to being a runner and author, Ruschenberg is also a motivational speaker, online running coach and runs his own non- profit called "Fiddy2," which benefits L'Arche Internationale, an international federation of communities in which people with a mental handicap and those who help them can live, work, and share their lives together.

Other accomplishments

» Ran the Boston Marathon course twice in one day on April 21, 2008.

» Frederick Marathon's first ever "Charity Chaser" where he began dead last and received a dollar amount for every runner he passed during the race to benefit the united Way of Frederick and L'Arche Mobile. He passed 1572 of a possible 1600 runners.

» Ran 52 consecutive weekly marathons in 2006 with an average time of 3:21.

» Owns the farthest distance ever run (84 miles) at the Presque Isle.

» Endurance Classic (Oct. 18, 2003) - a 12 hour event in Erie, Penn.

» Donate to Dane's nonprofit by visiting