This is an archived article that was published on in 2008, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Posted: 2:03 PM- Utah's chief federal judge apologized Friday for campaign contributions to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama that "caused an appearance of impropriety."
U.S. District Judge Tena Campbell donated a total of $300 to Obama in 2007 listing her job as "lawyer," her employer the "govtt" and her address as her federal court chambers.
It is against the Judicial Code of Conduct for a judge to donate or participate in a political campaign, as judges are expected to be apolitical.
But in a statement released by her clerk, Campbell said she was not familiar with that part of the code when she made her contributions.
"It certainly is no excuse but until approximately one year ago I was not aware that a judge could not make private contribution to a political campaign," Campbell said. "I mistakenly believed that the rule only precluded a judge from taking public action in support of a political candidate. I regret that my donations caused an appearance of impropriety."
Campbell would not say how she learned of her error or if she had donated to any other candidate since President Clinton appointed her to the federal bench in 1995.
Her clerk said the judge would not answer any questions or make any further statements.
The Obama campaign, when contacted by The Salt Lake Tribune, promised to return the donations.
The punishment for violating this part of the code is usually minimal. If someone does file a complaint to the chief circuit court judge, Campbell may receive a letter of reprimand.