This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In a June 17 letter to the editor, Toni Netzler declared that those who argue against gay marriage need to leave their god out of it.

If you take a minute to think about that statement you will realize that it is meaningless. What she must mean is that those who argue against it need to leave their beliefs out of it.

That being the case, then, those arguing for it should also leave their beliefs out of it, whereupon nothing at all would be said about it.

Steve Jones

South Jordan

In a June 17 letter to the editor, Toni Netzler declared that those who argue against gay marriage need to leave their god out of it.

If you take a minute to think about that statement you will realize that it is meaningless. What she must mean is that those who argue against it need to leave their beliefs out of it.

That being the case, then, those arguing for it should also leave their beliefs out of it, whereupon nothing at all would be said about it.

Steve Jones

South Jordan