This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

For years I thought my tithing money went to build new churches, care for the poor and needy, even pay employees of the church. Boy, was I wrong.

I now understand that $1.1 million of faithful tithepayers' offerings have gone to fund a political campaign to fight gay marriage, with more funding probably yet to come during this election year (Tribune, July 8). As a registered Democrat it pains me to say this, but perhaps I should cut out the middle man and write my next tithing check directly to the Republican Party.

Celeste Simmons


For years I thought my tithing money went to build new churches, care for the poor and needy, even pay employees of the church. Boy, was I wrong.

I now understand that $1.1 million of faithful tithepayers' offerings have gone to fund a political campaign to fight gay marriage, with more funding probably yet to come during this election year (Tribune, July 8). As a registered Democrat it pains me to say this, but perhaps I should cut out the middle man and write my next tithing check directly to the Republican Party.

Celeste Simmons
