This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Richard Cheney states in his July 19 Forum letter that, “I believe the LDS Church's 'Proclamation on the Family' ought to comprise the text of the proposed amendment.” This comment was in regard to his desire for this text to make up the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

To me this seems like good logic. In fact, we should have the LDS Church write all of our laws from here on out and, possibly, rewrite any laws it finds contradicting its doctrines. The rest of the country's non-LDS be damned - literally.

I really don't like being able to think and act for myself anyway. I've been looking for a way to totally give up and let someone else decide how I should live my life for a while now, and I think Mr. Cheney may have just found it. Thank God!

W. Boone Driffil

West Valley City