This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The differences between the Democrats and Republicans are not black and white, as extremists from both parties paint them. The differences are more pewter and battleship grey.

That is why, during election years, the issues that affect us all (lax security at chemical plants and Los Alamos, the outsourcing of American jobs, the rising scourge of meth addiction, cutting off benefits for the military and its veterans) get put on the back burner while candidates rally around personal choice issues involving a smaller portion of the population (gay marriage and health care and voting rights for illegal immigrants). That is the divisive strategy used to differentiate themselves from one another. That is also why many refuse to exercise their right to vote.

Can we go back to the principles of the Constitution, to unite despite our differences and give freedom and justice to all? Should we start toward that goal by voting out every incumbent and starting anew?

Scott Duran
