This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Where is the Situation Room in Crawford, Texas? Why does President Bush need so many “work-at-home days?”

We are at war. Our soldiers are being killed, many have no body armor, and our president is on vacation. One would think that if only in moral support of the troops, the commander in chief would stand his post. We have a presidency that has produced record deficits, record negative job growth, record export deficits and now record vacation days.

President Bush was given 1,461 days to make his mark on history and has decided to take more than 300 days to work from home. I do not care if this man declares himself to be a man of God, pounds his chest over gay marriage or abortion. If he can't show up for work he shouldn't ask for more time.

Ken Hollen

South Jordan