This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Acquiescence on important issues may not be hypocrisy, but in my opinion it's close. Where were our Utah Republican leaders, and like-minded leaders from around the country, when their party adopted a political platform so at odds with the thinking of the leaders who were “showcased” each night of their convention?

The face shown to the American public was one of moderation on social issues - Schwarzenegger, McCain and Giuliani. Previous conventions have shown similar faces including an out-of-the closet gay congressman and other “Right to Choose” officials.

Did Gayle Ruzicka corner Dick Cheney and counsel him on a Utah program to turn homosexuals into heterosexuals? Did our attorney general fight against the platform opposing not only gay marriage but civil unions?

Perhaps voters will one day realize there is no real conviction on these issues among Republican leaders. Their only uniform platform is two-fold: more tax breaks for the wealthy and devolution of government (turning back all federal programs but national defense to the states). It would be refreshing to honestly debate these core issues.

Karl Swan
