This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Huntsman moving campaign headquarters

The main campaign office of Republican gubernatorial candidate Jon Huntsman Jr. is moving to downtown Salt Lake City from the Huntsman corporate headquarters on the east bench of the Salt Lake Valley. Spokesman Jason Chaffetz said the new office, near 100 S. Main St., will provide a more central, convenient location for the two months leading up to the election. Additionally, the move provides some symbolic "separation" between the campaign and the company, he said. The Huntsman Group of Companies has made more than $50,000 in "in-kind" contributions to the campaign, including rent in the corporate headquarters.

Babka loses his campaign manager

Beau Babka, the Democrat bucking to unseat four-term Republican Congressman Chris Cannon, has lost his campaign manager.

Ann Ober left the Babka campaign Aug. 13 to work for the Don't Amend Alliance, a political action committee fighting to defeat a proposed amendment to Utah's Constitution banning gay marriage.

Ober, a native Utahn and former staffer for Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Ind., said she made the switch reluctantly, but couldn't let pass the chance to work for the high-profile amendment issue.

"I adore Beau. He's one of the best people in the world," she said. "But this is a fantastic opportunity."

Babka's campaign spokesman, Jeff Bell, who has picked up most of Ober's duties, said Babka was "sad to see her go."