This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Religion may be homophobic, but democratic government may not. Democracy is based on freedom, justice, and reason. Religion is based on obedience, morality and faith. The Constitution is the holy book for democracy, not the Bible. Religion can forbid gay marriage on scriptural grounds, but democracy cannot forbid civil unions on constitutional grounds.
The wall separating church and state protects both from each other. The responsible citizen will honor the Constitution that unites all Americans and the rights it guarantees. Every loving couple has the right to a civil union, heterosexual or homosexual brothers, sisters, sons and daughters who are as good as anyone else.
Religion can go beyond performing marriages that include all the rights of a civil union, but religion must stay on its side of the wall. Any religion that demands freedom from government interference, yet promotes withholding full civil rights from homosexuals, steps over the wall and becomes the enemy of democracy. Good citizens of any faith will celebrate the Constitution and democratic government by voting against Proposition 3.
Ron and Norma Molen
Salt Lake City