This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I think that gay marriage should not be banned in the state of Utah. My opinion is if two people are in love, then it is their right by law to be married.

One of the reasons that I feel this way is because a lot of my friends are gay. One of my best friends is gay and I know how much he loves his boyfriend. If that was taken away from him he would be so unhappy. Gay people feel the same way about each other and share the same emotions as straight couples do.

All I have to say to people who judge gay and lesbian couples is that they need to mind their own business, and let them get married. Even if it's not their choice of lifestyle, just let other people live the way that makes them happy, because that is their choice.

Camilla Wright
