This is an archived article that was published on in 2004, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.
Why is so much time, energy and, ultimately, money, being wasted on banning gay marriage, abortion and controversial speakers?
If you are against gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex. If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you are against controversial speakers, don't buy a ticket. Young people seldom learn from what we say as much as from what we do.
Kay Anderson says that a balanced education does not require we teach our children to be so open-minded their brains fall out (Tribune, Sept. 29). Well, maybe that's not such a bad idea. Fritz Perls, the innovator of Gestalt therapy, said, Lose your mind and come to your senses.
It is commonly held that it is the mind which creates such things as intolerance, racism, hypocrisy, hatred and self-righteousness. But it is the soul that is commonly referred to as the source of tolerance, brotherhood, understanding, love and humility.
Roberta M. Mahin
West Jordan