This is an archived article that was published on in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I cringe each morning when I open the Tribune and see what our state's governing bodies are up to. Becky Lockhart's logic is one good reason I cringe. She said, "I'm having a hard time understanding what doesn't make sense about being masters of our own destiny."

This was in response to the governor's conclusion that the health insurance plan proposal dreamed up by House Republican leaders is "illogical" (Tribune, Feb. 19). Duh!

She and other Republicans choose to try to control my destiny and the destiny of many other Utahns. I don't want their lame logic and uncaring nature dictating my future. Health care is a valid and essential part of what our government representatives should provide for those who are in need. I believe my tax dollars — both federal and state — should help fund it. To reject the money promised by the federal government would be foolish, but to use strictly state money (from taxpayers) to throw a bread crumb at those in need is abominable.

It takes good sense, logical thinking and compassion to govern Utah citizens. It's crystal clear Becky Lockhart possesses none of those qualities.

Claudia Marques

Salt Lake City