This is an archived article that was published on in 2010, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Frances ReMillard decries the "apartheid" practiced by Israel ("Israel and apartheid," Forum, April 27). Israel is surrounded by states in which it is illegal or very dangerous to be a Jew. I haven't seen a similar letter by ReMillard criticizing the "apartheid" practiced by Israel's neighbors.

The 1.2 million Arabs living in Israel enjoy more civil rights and greater prosperity than they would in any of the Islamic states that surround Israel. Israel is a tiny beleaguered outpost of liberal democracy in a sea of tyrannical despotism, and yet it is always Israel and only Israel that is singled out with the "apartheid" slur. Which one would you rather be, a Muslim living in Israel or a Jew living in Saudi Arabia or Iran?

ReMillard concludes with an appeal to America to abandon Israel out of American self-interest, stating that supporters of Israel aren't interested in "justice." The opposite is true.

Darrell Hodges

Elk Ridge