Huntsman as Democrat

This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The idea of Ambassador Jon Huntsman Jr. running for the U.S. Senate in 2012 is intriguing. Although recent opinion polls of Utah voters put Huntsman in a dead heat or winning the seat against other Republican contenders (including Sen. Orrin Hatch), he does not have a prayer of getting the nomination from the Republicans.

Between the tea party crazies and the Eagle Forum dragon ladies, Huntsman would be lucky to come in fourth or fifth behind Hatch, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, state Rep. Carl Wimmer and a stuffed doll of Thomas Jefferson. There is no room for moderate, rational thought in that tent of delegates.

Instead, Huntsman (along with the rest of his family) should join the Democratic Party. His nomination in the Democratic convention would be a given, his past exemplary service to the state would make him eminently electable in a general election, and Utah might actually gain a senator who would represent the bulk of its people instead of just its right-radical fringe.

John H. Weis

Salt Lake City