Letter: Saving money by spending at Bonanza Flat

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2017, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

I must respond to the letter from Paul Sharp who suggests that using taxpayer money to help preserve Bonanza Flat is wasteful ("Taxpayers robbed," April 9). In fact, the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy recognizes that by conserving open space at one of the headwaters of the Provo River it is saving money in the long run, just as Salt Lake City Public Utilities has recognized.

Should this land be developed, the pollution increase to the water district's area would be huge and extend beyond the degradation to their water source from the Provo River.

Development impacts would be even greater to the Wasatch Front watershed as increased traffic and infrastructure would result from development of this land.

I hope that Salt Lake County realizes that it, too, would save money by not having to provide the services which would ultimately fall on its shoulders for fire protection, police services and eventual watershed degradation to the Wasatch Front.

Keeping Bonanza Flat as open space would save taxpayers in the big picture.

Wendy Zeigler
