New USU study to examine experiences of gay Mormons

This is an archived article that was published on in 2011, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Renee Galliher, a psychology professor at Utah State University, is conducting a study to learn more about the experiences of members of the LDS Church who are attracted to members of their same sex.

She has posted a 149-question survey. She is seeking respondents, who will remain anonymous unless they voluntarily share their contact information, who have, at any point in their lives, been LDS and experienced same-sex attraction.

Bill Bradshaw, an emeritus Brigham Young University biology professor and father of a gay son, also is working on the study. Bradshaw and his wife direct Family Fellowship, a support group for Mormon families with gay and lesbian loved ones.

The following text has been sent to potential participants in the survey:

"The questions in this survey focus on how LDS people have experienced same-sex attraction through time, their beliefs about the nature of homosexuality, any experience they may have had in attempting to understand or alter their orientation, the current state of satisfaction with their lives and their feeling about and relationship with the church.

"We believe that the overall impact of this study will be positive; that is, that the information obtained will be accurate, dispel myths, and promote understanding and good will. Your responses are confidential and no individual will be identifiable in any report of the results of this study unless they choose to be identified. It will require about 30 minutes of your time to complete this survey."

To participate in the study, click here.