Jon Stewart takes on Romney's Park City bash

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In case you were wondering what was going on in Park City this weekend, when Mitt Romney met with some of his biggest fund-raisers, Jon Stewart and "The Daily Show" summarized and skewered the event.

Stewart, on Monday's show, noted that the entertainment at the event — which gathered some 700 "bundlers" who had raisesd $250,000 each — included Olympic ski jumpers going off a ramp into a pool of water.

"Are we sure they were Olympic ski jumpers and not just poor people being thrown off a mountain?" Stewart asked. "A retreat like this, it could get real Hunger Games-y real fast."

In the spirit of bipartisanship, Stewart also mocked the Obama campaign for setting up an event registry, encouraging people getting married to have their guests give campaign contributions.