The Salt Lake Tribune's Neil Diamond contest

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

With his sequined jumpsuits, jet-black locks and a hairy rug underneath his V-neck shirt, Neil Diamond has a style and look every bit as iconic as Elvis Presley's.

So when the 71-year-old "Jewish Elvis" comes to town, you need to doing something really big — like hold a Neil Diamond video contest.

The grand prize is a pair of primo seats at Diamond's July 28 show at Rio Tinto Stadium.

To enter, create a video of yourself or someone you know performing one of Diamond's songs.

Dress up! Be funny or cheesy or sarcastic or simply adorable as you belt out "Cracklin' Rosie," "Song Sung Blue," "America," "Sweet Caroline" or another of Diamond's popular hits.

Upload the video on The Tribune's Facebook page: We'll compile them in a gallery and ask people to "like" their favorite. The top three videos will be shown at the July 21 Real Salt Lake soccer game at Rio Tinto Stadium, where the audience will decide who wins.

Besides the free concert tickets, the winner's video will be shown at the Diamond show.

Hurry, the entry deadline is July 16.