Good for KSL

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

In "KSL's family brand" (Forum, Sept. 1), Thom Benedict criticized KSL for refusing to carry "New Normal," a new NBC fall sitcom about "modern family that happens to include two dads."

I agree with KSL. A two-dad family is not a "normal" lifestyle. If you want to participate in or approve of this lifestyle, that's your choice, just as it's mine not to accept it. I will not try to convince you that is it not the way to live.

Like the Mormons, as a Christian I believe homosexuality is a sin and do not care to see it on TV. God does not approve of this lifestyle; it is a lust forbidden by God (see Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13).

God created one man and one woman with the ability to reproduce. So please stop trying to persuade me that homosexuality is OK, and stop calling me homophobic because I stand by the Bible.

A lot of TV shows now include gay couples. I am tired of it. My hand gets tired from switching channels. What next? A family with a father who is a child molester and to be told it is just another "normal" lifestyle?

Sharon Teal Coray
