News roundup: Romney's 'twisted' interpretation of Mormon self-reliance

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Romney's 47% comment at odds with faith. Boy Scouts in trouble after greeting Mitt. 46 days until Nov. 6.

Happy Friday. When Mitt Romney made his unfortunate comment about the 47 percent of Americans who are stuck on the government dole, he was partially harking back to Mormon beliefs in self-motivation, says author Lisa Miller. However, as a religion professor points out, Romney has a "twisted" belief in the Mormon's "self-reliance." [WaPost]

Topping the news: The tale of the tape continues for Romney as reporters find more tidbits in that Florida fundraiser tape. If you listen close, Romney tells the crowd that 95 percent of life is set up for you if you're born in this country. [HuffPost]

-> The Boy Scouts who greeted Romney at the tarmac this week unknowingly broke the national organization's political neutrality policy, but Utah Democratic Party Chairman Jim Dabakis says such opportunities offer lifelong political engagement. [Trib] [DNews]

Tweet of the day: from @PatBagley: "Mitt to be grand master of Days of 47% parade"

Happy birthday: To state Rep. Kay McIff and on Saturday to the Trib's Tommy Burr (h/t to everyone who threatened me to put my own birthday in here).

In other news: Democratic congressional candidate Jay Seegmiller hosts a rally at Riverside Park to appeal to Latino voters, a group that composes 17.4 percent of Salt Lake County's population and tends to lean Democratic. [Trib]

-> Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker joins over 130 mayors in a plea asking Congress to reconsider budget cuts for military spending and domestic programs, a request that Congress won't likely see to until after the general election. [Trib]

-> An obsolete state law is on its deathbed. The law required the persons in charge of a publication to file a verified financial statement of ownership before printing anything to influence voting is on its deathbed, a guideline that was neither followed or enforced. [Trib]

-> Bob Bernick and Bryan Schott talk about Utah's budget surplus and Sen. Orrin Hatch's age in their weekly podcast. [UtahPolicy]

-> Bernick says it's likely to get more rocky in the 4th District race as we get closer to Election Day. [UtahPolicy]

-> Sen. Mike Lee's chief of staff, Spencer Stokes, a former executive director of the Utah Republican Party, was awarded the Weber State University President's award on Thursday. [Weber]

2012 watch: President Barack Obama says his biggest failure has been the lack immigration reform, "but it's not for lack of trying or desire." [ABCNews]

-> A pro-Romney Super PAC is down to $6 million. [HuffPost]

-> The Washington Examiner puts together a comprehensive report on the Obama they don't think you know. [WashExaminer]

-> Romney says Obama threw the white flag up when he said he can't "change Washington from the inside." [Politico]

-> A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday has Obama ahead by five points. [Reuters]

-> Three Romney campaign staffers from New Mexico were relocated to Colorado and Nevada, states where the GOP candidate stands a better chance. [CNN]

-> In a poll of likely Latino voters, 58 percent said they approved of Obama's handling of immigration issues, while 32 percent said they disapproved. The vote was split 42-42 among independent Latino voters. [FoxNews]

-> The Obama campaign outraised the Romney campaign by nearly $20 million in August. [Politico] [BusinessWeek]

-> Mitt, you're not alone: The New York Times cites some of the top verbal fumbles in the history of presidential campaigns, many of which came from eventual commanders-in-chief. [NYTimes]

-> Sept. 25 will be a good day to turn on the TV: Ann Romney appears on Jay Leno's "The Tonight Show" and the Obamas sit down with "The View" in the afternoon. [Reuters]

-> The Obama campaign's Truth Team takes Romney out of context to make a point about his campaign doing so about Romney. [YouTube]

-> The Trib's Pat Bagley offers his take on Romney's image as of late. [Trib]

Where are they?

Gov. Gary Herbert gets a water update from Richard Bay and then a boards and commissions update from Mike Mower.

Lt. Gov. Greg Bell speaks to Judge Michele Christiansen's class and later at an IASIS Healthcare conference.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder hosts a West Valley Republican cottage meeting.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker meets with congressional members and federal agencies.

President Barack Obama campaigns in Virginia.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Betsy and