Dems united: Corroon backs McAdams for Salt Lake County mayor

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Not surprisingly, Democrat Ben McAdams received the endorsement Tuesday of the Democrat he hopes to succeed as Salt Lake County mayor, Peter Corroon.

Corroon said McAdams is a "proven leader, proven collaborator" whose ability to work with people from both parties would be essential for the county to approach "challenges as opportunities," continuing the path his administration took over the past eight economically tumultuous years. "That's why he's the best candidate for mayor," Corroon added.

McAdams praised Corroon for eight years of "strong, effective government" and expressed appreciation for the opportunity to help county residents confront the challenges of the next few years. "We are Utahns," he said. "We rise to the occasion."

Mike Gorrell