Verizon Wireless donates to the YWCA

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Verizon Wireless has donated $12,000 to YWCA Salt Lake City.

The donation was made through the company's "HopeLine" program, which supports domestic violence prevention and awareness programs.

"This generous donation from Verizon Wireless will help us provide assistance to women and children in our community," said Anne Burkholder, the YWCA's CEO. "It will be used to provide vital services, including emergency shelter, counseling and a free 24-hour helpline."

The HopeLine program collects no-longer-used wireless phones, batteries and accessories from any wireless carrier. Phones that can be refurbished are sold for reuse and those without value are disposed of in an environmentally sound way. Proceeds from the program are used to provide wireless phones and cash grants to local shelters and non-profit organizations that focus on domestic violence prevent and awareness programs.

HopeLine phone donations are accepted at all Verizon Wireless communications stores.