The Cricket's Daily 3: Adele meets 007 [video]

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Here's what's being talked about today in pop culture:

• Adele's new single, the theme song for the new James Bond movie "Skyfall," rocketed to the top of the iTunes charts within hours of its release. (Click on the video embedded above to listen yourself.) [The Telegraph, Spin]

• Director J.J. Abrams went on "Conan" last night with an exclusive clip of next summer's "Star Trek Into Darkness." OK, so it was only three frames, but still, it was cool. [Entertainment Weekly]

• Caffeine addicts have voted with their coffee cups at 7-Eleven — and they pick Barack Obama over Mitt Romney for president. [The Huffington Post]