Is that a tropical storm? Or is Dan Pope just happy to see us?

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Salt Lake City TV weatherman Dan Pope is getting national recognition, but probably not in a way he'd like.

On a recent telecast on Fox 13 News, the freelancing Pope displayed a graphic of a tropical storm rising north in the Pacific, off the coast of Baja. But the, shall we say, effusive way he's describing it — and the unfortunate combination of hand gestures, body position and graphic placement — makes it unintentionally funny.

As things like this go on the Internet, it started with one person on a website and just mushroomed. In this case, Pope's video was posted Saturday on YouTube by a user with the label FunnyLocalNews. That was picked up by the website HyperVocal — and the mega-site Gawker got it from HyperVocal. (What's more, The Daily Dot made an animated GIF out of Pope's gyrations.)

Click on the video above to see it yourself.