Can't get into Sundance? You can always try Catdance

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

If you can't get your movie into the Sundance Film Festival, maybe you can make your cat famous in Park City.

Fresh Step, the kitty-litter company (which is not a Sundance sponsor), is behind a contest for original, scripted short films featuring cats. The top entries will be screened in Park City on Jan. 19 — on the first Saturday of Sundance — at what's being called the Catdance Film Festival.

Submissions for Catdance (which is not to be confused with the 1973 Western "The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing") will be taken through Dec. 7. The company is posting 10 films by emerging filmmakers online, as inspiration of sorts.