McAdams is refreshing

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Hats off to Salt Lake County Mayor-elect Ben McAdams and his campaign team for running the cleanest, most non-smearish campaign in recent history. His attitude and advertising were a delight.

I didn't hear a single nasty, anti-Mark Crockett comment — only positive, progressive, pro-McAdams ideas for the future of Salt Lake County. In a sea of attack ads, full of lies and personal slams, it has been refreshing to see McAdams' positive TV ads, billboards and interviews.

In a year where big, tainted money talks, McAdams and his team have chosen the high road. He and his team can be proud of the way they conducted themselves.

Alison Mitchell

Salt Lake City