News roundup: Obama must confront the second-term curse

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Where does the GOP go from here? How Matheson pulled it off. The stock market drops rapidly after Obama's victory.

Happy Thursday. President Barack Obama's victory and his massive support among minorities, young people and women have Republican elders wondering if the party is too old, too white and too male. [Politico] [DailyCaller]

-> Obama beat Mitt Romney but can he overcome the dreaded 'second-term curse'? [NYTimes]

-> Why did Mitt Romney lose? Was it flimsy positions, demographics, Hurricane Sandy or poor strategy? Republican insiders have a variety of opinions and one said the Romney camp simply never had a realistic plan to get 270 electoral college votes. [Trib] [CNN] [WaPost]

-> Fraser Bullock, who helped lead the SLC Games with Romney, said his friends post-election brunch in Boston on Wednesday was painful and that Mitt and Ann Romney were clearly emotional. [DNews]

Topping the news: Rep. Jim Matheson's squeaker of a victory was one of Election Day's biggest surprises. [WaPost] But the real question is how did he pull it off and one answer is he got more Democrats to vote than normal. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Mia Love conceded to Matheson but there are still 43,699 outstanding ballots to count in Salt Lake County. [Trib]

-> Utah County Republicans say they should have done a better job at turning out the vote for Love. [Herald]

-> One day after the vote, recession-fearing investors caused the Dow Jones industrial average to drop 312.95 points. It was one of the biggest post election drops on reord. [WaPost] [LATimes]

Tweets of the day: From @tsmells: "There are 7 Mormon US Senators, 7% of the Senate. Mormons are 2% of US Population. 3 1/2 x's representation vs. population."

From @Redistrict: "Mindboggling (or not?) statistic: outside of Salt Lake County and Summit County (Park City), Romney won 83.9% of the vote in Utah."

From @RalstonReports: "Most overblown story (as it always is about Nevada) in wake of Tuesday: The Mormon vote here. #LDSdogthatdidntbark"

From @TheFix: "Headline on @msnbc right now on pot ballot initiatives: 'Tokin Vote.' Well played."

From @ABC4Kim: "Doing a happy dance... ELECTIONS ARE OVER! Wait... now what are we supposed to talk about??"

From @BishopWester: "We must let our elected officials know that we expect them to act civilly and respectfully with each other as they seek common ground."

From @mattthomas: "I empathize with Mitt Romney. As a graduate student, I know what it's like to work on something for six years and come up short."

And we grabbed this from Chuck Warren's Facebook page: "If Colorado can legalize marijuana, can't BYU legalize real Coke?"

Happy birthday: To Conservative activist Cherilyn Eagar and Matt Sandgren, Judiciary Committee Counsel to Sen. Orrin Hatch.

In other news: Ben McAdams, Salt Lake County mayor-elect, thanked all of his supporters, got started on the transition and is planning to take his older kids fishing. He says that will fulfill one of his earliest campaign promises. [Trib] [DNews]

-> Utah Democratic Chairman Jim Dabakis says he wants to run for McAdams' soon-to-be vacated state Senate seat, but he isn't the only prominent Democrat who wants in on that special election. [UtahPolicy]

-> Pat Bagley offers his take on the state of the Republican Party. [Trib]

-> Though only one Hispanics newcomer claimed a seat in the Utah Legislature, while four others came up short, but they seem to have set a precedent for Latino participation in 2014. [Trib]

-> Legislative leadership elections are heating up with contested races for Senate President and House Speaker. [UtahPolicy]

-> Highland residents voted to keep businesses closed on Sundays. [DNews]

-> Cache County officials want to implement an alternative emissions testing program requiring stickers for cars with low-enough emissions to drive on yellow or red air-quality days. [Trib]

-> The Trib's Peg McEntee dubs the Obama victory a win for women. [Trib]

-> UTA had to delay getting financing because of Hurricane Sandy and the resulting drop in rates saved the transit agency $13.9 million. [Trib]

Election aftermath: Democrats win the two razor-close Senate races that carried into Wednesday. In North Dakota, Republican Rick Berg did not seek a recount of the 3,000 vote disparity separating him from Heidi Heitkamp. [LATimes] In Montana, Sen. Jon Tester was reelected in a tight race against six-term congressman Danny Rehberg. [WaPost] That means, there is likely to be 55 senators caucusing with Democrats and 45 Republicans.

-> In post-election comments, House Speaker John Boehner said Republicans are "willing to accept new revenue" in an effort to combat the national debt and looming "fiscal cliff" but will continue to fight tax rate increases. [WaPost] [Reuters]

-> The most accurate 2012 election pollster was left-leaning PPPolling, while Gallup, NPR and AP performed poorly. [Politico]

-> Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the election is proof that the Democratic Party is the party of diversity. [AP]

-> How the Romney-Donald Trump courtship was symbolic of the problems with his campaign. [BuzzFeed]

-> Romney lost, Mormonism won. [WaPost]

-> A pictorial timeline of Sasha and Malia Obama as they appeared to the public from 2004 to now: [BuzzFeed].

-> And for a little levity: Ron Paul Elected Ruler Of Planet Uninhabited By 1 Billion Tiny Ron Pauls [TheOnion]

Where are they?

AG Mark Shurtleff meets with the Health and Education Division and calls in to the Child's Rescue Backyard Broadcast.

SL Co. Mayor Peter Corroon attends a Unified Police Department board meeting.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker receives a bike share update before meeting with University of Utah President David Pershing.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder attends the Veteran's Day assembly at American Preparatory Academy before hitting the transportation committee meetings at the Wasatch Front Regional Council.

President Barack Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Matt Canham and Betsy Blanchard and