Snow doesn't damper enthusiasm for music discounts at Groovacious

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Unlike President's Day, which occurs on a different date on the February calendar each year, anniversary dates of some things can't be changed, said Tim Cretsinger, co-owner of the Cedar City independent record store Groovacious Records.

So that's why Groovacious went ahead with its 20th anniversary party Friday night at the store despite weather that Cretsinger described as "cold," "windy" and "grim."

"[The weather] probably kept people away," Cretsinger said of the party, which commemorated the opening of Groovacious on Nov. 9, 1992.

But although not as many people showed up at the party as he expected, Cretsinger was still happy.

On Friday, everything in the store was discounted 20-percent-off, and customers braved the weather to take advantage.

Cretsinger still tabulates each sale the old-fashioned way, on a single line on a yellow legal pad next to the cash register. On a typical day, he said, the number of album sales takes up three-quarters of a page.

On Friday, at the end of the day, more than four pages of sales were written down, with many customers spending long hours in the shop.

It is not a coincidence that the store's heating system was working.