Bizarre blotter: Cocaine-packed breast implants caught at airport & other strange news

This is an archived article that was published on in 2012, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Today's round up of odd crime news includes a woman who tried using cocaine-packed breast implants to smuggle drugs into Spain, a Texas man who carved a pentagram into his 6-year-old son's back, and other things that make us think the world can be a really horrible place.

Bizarre blotter: Cocaine packed breast implants caught at airport & other strange news

The producers of Operation Repo are probably kicking themselves ... Stephen JimenezDefinitely worse than anything captured on Operation Repo, a Calif. repo man officially takes the cake for worst workday ever. The unnamed victim was attempted to repossess a 1999 Mercedes-Benz when the delinquent loan payer suddenly popped up from hiding inside the car. Stephen Jimenez, 33, then tried running over the repo man, but he rolled up on to the hood instead. He stayed there, clinging to the car's ...

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