Good, Better, Best.

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

This is dedicated to all the innocents from Columbine, Colo., to Clackamas, Ore., to Newtown, Conn., who have died in a "gun-free zone" — be it a school, theater, mall or any other open public area.

• Good: Create more and bigger gun-free zones, or ban and seize all guns. On second thought, considering the track record of these two ideas, they fit one definition of insanity: Repeating the same thing and expecting different results.

• Better: Ban gun-free zones. The criminal shooter doesn't obey them and they only make law-abiding citizens unarmed and helpless victims.

• Best: Ban the progressives and liberals who created the gun-free zones, and thus created the helpless victims and the criminal shooter-empowerment zones.

The immutable law of unintended consequences can never be revoked or repealed. Reality is always with us.

Bryan M. Woodman

West Jordan