'Eco-nuts' vs. truckers

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

"Utah Dem does a little GOP mock talk on air scare" (Tribune, Feb. 5) featured quotation from a constituent to her Utah legislator: "Why on earth do we not have an ordinance requiring trucks to drive in the right lanes with slower speed limits?"

That attitude shows a lack of respect for the working class. Once again, the eco-nuts show themselves to be snobbish.

Why do the eco-nuts hate the trucker who brings the food to the grocer? Why do you want to penalize the trucker because you choose to live in a geographical smog trap? Is the trucker's time not as valuable as your own? Is the trucker not entitled to earn a decent living?

Eco-nuts claim to take the high road, while denigrating those who improve society by working on the road. These arrogant, condescending snobs could choose to hire a trucker to remove them from this smog trap, but sadly, most choose to remain and complain.

Norman Bryce

Salt Lake City