News roundup: Columnist says Obama living the 1% life

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Obama living the 1% life? Leavitt for Senate? UTA now boasting higher fares.

Happy Monday and welcome to April. The Washington Times' Joseph Curl says President Barack Obama is living the 1 percent life: Golf when he wants it, trips to wherever on a moment's notice — something, Curl says, wasn't George W. Bush's style. [WaTimes]

Topping the news: Former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt is laying the groundwork to challenge Sen. Mike Lee in 2016, Paul Rolly reports. Make sure you read to the very end. [Trib]

Before running for mayor, Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker worked for a time with newly-minted Rep. Chris Stewart in the private sector. [Trib]

-> Starting today, UTA will boast some of the highest base fares in the country, at $2.50 per adult on TRAX or buses. [Trib]

Tweets of the day: From @joeldavidsawyer: "I'm going to assume any assignment given to me today that I would rather not complete was merely an April Fools joke."

Happy birthday: To former state Sen. Chris Buttars, Sen. Orrin Hatch's spokesman Matt Harakal and Mimi Andrews.

Opinion section: Paul Rolly says that Sen. Mike Lee's rise to power was the catalyst for the Utah GOP's move to reform their caucus-convention system for nominating candidates. [Trib]

-> George Pyle says that marriage — of all varieties — should be encouraged, not lambasted. [Trib]

-> Advertising guru Bill Paulos outlines his plan for a happy and diverse workforce.[Trib]

-> Just after the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, Barb Guy laughs at the reactions and reminisces of the Bush administration. [Trib]

-> The executive director of Alliance for a Better Utah asks who the Utah Legislature really represents. [Trib]

-> A professor and Boy Scout troop leader says gay people should be welcomed by the organization. [Trib]

-> A doctor warns about "burnout" in her field, and how it affects patient care. [Trib]

-> A health care worker urges Gov. Gary Herbert to accept a Medicaid expansion. [Trib]

-> Colby Poulson blasts an Earth Day poster contest in Utah schools that celebrates fossil fuels. [Trib]

-> The co-founder of Utah Parents Against Gun Violence applauds Herbert's veto of a bill that would allow gun owners to conceal and carry without a permit, and urges the Utah Legislature to uphold it. [Trib]

-> Vivian Lee warns that federal budget cuts are hurting research funds at the U. [Trib]

-> LaVarr Webb and Frank Pignanelli take a look at a possible legislative override of Herbert's veto. [DNews]

-> The director of Utah Clean Energy says that the state has made big moves in moving towards alternative energy sources. [DNews]

-> John Florez says that applying business ideas to education may be a solution for reform. [DNews]

-> A representative from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says he's committed to working with private land owners when it comes to prairie dogs. [DNews]

-> Matthew Sanders says he isn't surprised that the same-sex marriage debate has gotten so heated, as it deals with very personal issues. [DNews]

-> Former Sen. Bob Bennett says the federal courts are too packed with cases that should be handled on the state level. [DNews]

Weekend in review: Even the sponsor of a vetoed bill that would allow Utahns to conceal and carry firearms without a permit admits that overriding the veto may be a challenge. [DNews]

-> Utah GOP boss Thomas Wright is not running again, with the party set to choose its new leader on May 18. [Trib]

-> Two lawmakers may have found themselves in hot water after it was discovered that their PAC raised more than $1,000 in donations during the session - a violation of contribution rules. [Trib]

-> Pat Bagley takes a look at the national public's reaction to the Sandy Hook school shooting. [Trib]

Nationally: Legal teams set up by the Labor Department to investigate improving mine safety have been axed due to sequestration, meeting criticism from families of miners killed in mining accidents. [WaPost]

-> They're just like the rest of us: President Barack Obama and the First Family hit St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington for an Easter service yesterday. [Politico]

-> Check out this handy chart of the Supreme Court, from the Post's Chris Cillizza.[WaPost]

-> Despite most federal agencies taking a hit in the sequester, the Department of Agriculture is figuring a way to ride out the cuts. [WaPost]

Where are they?

Gov. Gary Herbert prepares for an economic summit, gets a sage grouse update, reviews bills and has a strategy meeting.

Utah AG John Swallow meets with county attorneys from Salt Lake and Utah counties.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams has a Cabinet meeting, a staff and scheduling meeting and gets a Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory update.

President Barack Obama hits the White House Easter Egg Roll and delivers a speech with First Lady Michelle Obama.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Emily and