Granite employees

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re "How's your Utah school district's budget for next year?" (Tribune, May 2):

Granite School District plans once again to punish its employees. This time, it is going after the hard-working, less-paid, staff, such as teacher's aides and bus drivers.

Here's the problem: For employees working 30 or more hours a week, the Affordable Care Act will require the district to pay for their health insurance. Therefore, the district plans to have them work 29 hours a week instead.

I find this mind-boggling. These are struggling people with lives and families to provide for. They all need and require something so basic as health insurance. Doesn't the school district realize the repercussions?

First, the best workers will leave to find employment with health insurance. The ones left behind may not perform at their best due to less commitment. The new replacements willing to work without health insurance are those who can't find employment elsewhere.

What kind of workforce will we have? Why doesn't Granite School District want to take care of its own?

Diana L. Wilde
