Grow up, Republicans

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re "The spite club," by Paul Krugman (Opinion, June 8):

I am disappointed to see the Republicans in the House of Representatives continue with business as usual by voting 37 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Do they care about people with pre-existing conditions who can't get health insurance? It doesn't appear so.

Have they done any studies to show whether any jobs are saved? I haven't seen any. Would repeal save us money? Not from what I have read. Would repeal improve the economy? I don't think so.

We the people want all of our representatives in Congress to work together to improve our economy — not continue to bicker with each other. The GOP obviously didn't get the message the people sent: We want our economy to improve!

Grow up, be responsible and help us. Repealing health care reform doesn't do that.

Arleen Cromwell
