The wall of separation

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

The August 6 Tribune article, "Utah leaders try to protect prayers at government meetings," is so vexing to me, insulting to all of us who are not Christian, and denying that there is no other religion but Christian.

Saying that the right to pray before a legislative gatherings is "an unabiguous and unbroken history" is a bold lie. There were many who tolerated it and didn't make waves for fear of retribution. Thomas Jefferson in 1787 introduced a bill concerning religious freedom which was his campaign to end state support of religion. He called it a "wall of separation between church and state.

I'd like to refer to Boyd K. Packer's assertion that there is a "tolerance trap" to be mindful of. (April 8, 2013, Salt Lake Tribune) He doesn't care to tolerate people who are different, uppity women, and intellectuals.

I've tolerated much from this society of Christians. Things that are against my religion are: cruelty to animals (rampant in this state), rodeos, This is the Place and an obvious lack of sympathy for farm animals (the Ag-Gag law). Telling a child that there exist an eternal hellfire for those who don't conform is a very grave sin in my book. There's more, but I digress.

This is something that I don't think any American should tolerate. Keep that "wall of separation." It's the right thing to do.

Mary C. Barnes

Salt Lake City