Outdoor Retailer: Butter Stick fly rod from Redington

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Butter Stick fly rod from RedingtonStop scouring garage sales for fiberglass rods. Fly fishing companies finally decided to go retro due to demand. The Butter Stick is Redington's entry. This soft, yet sweet, rod is a slow-action but accurate rod for any quiver. The Butter Stick is available in rod weights 2 through 5 in multiple lengths for $249.95. A rod tube and rod sock is included and a lifetime warranty comes with the Butter Stick. www.redington.com

The Salt Lake Tribune is providing a look at some of the gear shown at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market last week at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Because the show is closed to the public, we thought we would share a peak with the public about gear coming to the outdoors world. Items will be featured on the Tribune's Hiking Utah and Fishing Utah blogs. An Outdoor Retailer package will also run in the Tribune. — Brett Prettyman