Derelicts and traitors

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Edward Snowden told us about our government spying on millions of United States citizens phoning or writing other United States citizens. The U.S. Constitution clearly defines and prohibits illegal searches and seizures. The Constitution takes precedence over federal, state and local laws. The only legal way to amend the Constitution is by constitutional amendment. Anything less is treason.

Aren't our public officials sworn to protect the Constitution and abide by the law? Some of the laws our legislators pass, such as the "Patriot Act," are clearly unconstitutional.

Our legislators are clearly in violation of their oath of office. These derelicts and traitors must be brought back to the legal requirements outlined in their oath of office, or suffer the consequences.

Stephen Lee Peña
