Get involved

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

It seems that the summer has swept by us in a minute and now we are coming up on the excitement of the November elections. Am I the only one who gets a little excited at the prospect of a really good candidate forum?

I enjoy the opportunity to listen to thoughtfully prepared questions put to those so dedicated to their communities that they put themselves on the ballot for public office.

Municipal elections are so important because of how they may affect our daily lives. From garbage pickup and community parks to business licenses and street maintenance, everything that makes a city or town someplace we want to live.

Plus, these politicians are your neighbors, someone you might run into in the grocery store. So, I urge you to enjoy this time and go to these candidate forums whenever you can. Even take a step further and get involved. Become a timer, question moderator or even host a candidate meet-and-greet for friends in your home. Above all, don't miss the chance to get involved at the very starting point of government office.

Jenn Gonnelly

West Valley City