Letter: Taxpayers are paying health-care subsidies

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Re the Oct. 10 article about the family of five who acquired a health insurance policy via the new health exchanges provided by the Affordable Care Act ("Utah family gets coverage for $123 a month," Tribune, Oct. 10): While I don't fault that family for getting a health insurance policy that costs $850 a month while only paying $123 in a completely legal manner, I wonder why someone isn't asking the all-important question.

Or, if it's being asked, why hasn't the answer sparked some kind of concern, at best, or outrage at worst. So I'll ask it now: Who is paying the other $727 a month that the policy costs? The answer is you and me, the taxpayers. How can supporters of Obamacare justify this?

John Watson
