Letter: BSA provides thorough training, but it's voluntary

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

As a trained and dedicated Boy Scout volunteer, my hope is that the inexcusable actions of a few will not interfere with the efforts of the many volunteers who behave responsibly ("Men may face felony charges after toppling rock formation in Goblin Valley," Tribune, Oct. 17").

The Boy Scouts of America offers extensive leadership training, for both youth and adults, available to all volunteers at nominal or no cost. I personally have received BSA training at multiple levels.

I have also fulfilled the youth protection training for Boy Scouts and Venturing. I can attest that the training available from the BSA is high quality, rivaling corporate leadership training costing many thousands of dollars more. Among topics of my training are: communications, outdoor ethics, safety, conservation, stewardship, Leave No Trace, and the importance of honor in a Scout unit.

I encourage all adult and youth leaders in the programs of the Boy Scouts to take advantage of the training available through the BSA and to become fully trained for their positions. Appropriate training will help prevent such regrettable actions, and will provide a higher quality program for the youth.

Stephen Christensen M.D.
