News roundup: GOP's star Benghazi witness may not be actual witness

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

GOP's star Benghazi witness may not be witness at all. Lee gets 10-minute standing ovation. Computer files missing in AG's office.

Happy Monday. Following on a "60 Minutes" special on the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Rep. Jason Chaffetz joined several Republicans in calling again for the White House to come clean on what it knew and when. But it turns out the star witness for CBS's program may not have been a witness at all. Foreign Policy says the British contractor previously wrote that he was at his beach-side villa during the attack and has previously sought money for his story. [ForeignPolicy]

Topping the news: Looking for that heroes welcome that Sen. Ted Cruz received in Texas, Sen. Mike Lee held a rally on Saturday with hundreds of Utahns giving him a 10-minute standing ovation and chants of "We like Mike." [Trib] [DNews] [KUTV] [Fox13]

-> Massive amounts of data from Attorney General John Swallow's computers might have been deleted or lost according to a court filing by House investigators. [Trib] [DNews] [KUTV] [Fox13] [ABC4]

-> Bluffdale is looking to capitalize on the NSA's Utah Data Center by enticing business and government contractors to set up shop on a 270-acre development. [Trib]

Tweet of the day: From @SteveMartinToGo: "Just learned that the NSA has figured out how to log onto Twitter and read my feed."

From @RexHuppke: "We never would've had to turn our clocks back under a Romney administration."

Opinion section: Former Utah Senate Minority Leader Scott Howell says that during the shutdown Sen. Orrin Hatch was a statesmen, while Sen. Mike Lee wasn't. [Trib]

-> Paul Rolly says that a state senator's argument that compromise is the only way to govern is directed at Lee. [Trib]

-> John Florez says that Lee came to Washington looking for any fight, but has flip flopped on several issues. [DNews]

-> Pat Bagley gives his take on what billionaire road rage looks like. [Trib]

-> George Pyle talks about how the rollout of Obamacare is to be blamed on the confusing insurance exchange rates, and how America should switch to a single-payer program. [Trib]

-> The Salt Lake Chamber's chief economist Natalie Gochnour says Utah needs to have more women in decision-making roles to help add balance and perspective to a male-dominated world. [DNews]

-> Salt Lake City attorney Lisa Ramsey Adams says that parks, libraries and arts venues are better off with government involvement, and deserve the taxpayers support. [Trib]

-> LaVarr Webb and Frank Pignanelli discuss the chances that immigration reform actually gets taken up this year by Congress. [DNews]

-> Former Sen. Bob Bennett says the website glitches with Obamacare will be fixed by the lies the administration said about the new law will live on. [DNews]

Weekend in review: Jon Huntsman Sr. denies the claim that he was behind the accusation that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in over 10 years. A new book "Double Down" claims that Huntsman was Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's source for his argument during the presidential election last year of why Romney didn't want to reveal his taxes. [Trib] [DNews] [ABC4]

-> Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker was named to a new White House panel to develop a plan for the federal government to respond to the effects of climate change. [Trib] [DNews] [KUTV]

-> Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told a Salt Lake City audience about the importance of independent journalism as a vital weapon against totalitarianism. She also criticized data leakers like Edward Snowden saying they hurt American diplomacy more than anything she's seen. [Trib] [KUTV]

-> Two Ogden City Council hopefuls have been disqualified for failing to file their campaign finances on time. [Trib]

-> Some politicos are wondering which Lee will show up at his scheduled Utah and Iowa events, the quotable guy who can set the room on fire or the serious politician. [DNews]

-> Salt Lake County is repairing the levees of the Jordan River Surplus Canal after failing an inspection by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. [Trib] [DNews]

-> From our D.C. Notebook: Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says a journalist from The Salt Lake Tribune asked her the best question she's ever heard. And we discuss Sen. Orrin Hatch's voting move that drives liberal groups nuts. [Trib]

Nationally: Mitt Romney called out President Barack Obama for his "fundamental dishonesty" about the Affordable Care Act and how it's undermining the foundation of his second term. [WaPost] [Politico]

-> Sen. Chuch Schumer, D-N.Y., said that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should run for president in 2016 saying she could vanquish tea party Republicans in the next election. [WaPost]

-> Seven million Americans could qualify for federal subsidies that would pay for their monthly health care plans, according to Wall Street analysts. Federal officials are downplaying the zero-premium plans because they require the most out-of-pocket costs for doctor visits and hospital stays. [NYTimes]

Where are they?

Gov. Gary Herbert attends various National Governors Association activities in Santa Fe, N.M.

SL Co. Mayor Ben McAdams holds his Cabinet meeting, hosts a press conference with Autism Advocates and attends the Utah Symphony's Campaign for Perpetual Motion.

SLC Mayor Ralph Becker sits in on an EPA local government committee conference call, announces a new CarShare program and holds employee open-door meetings.

WVC Mayor Mike Winder tends to personal business.

President Barack Obama welcomes the 2013 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks to the White House, meets with Vice President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and speaks at a Organizing for Action event.

Got a tip? A birthday, wedding or anniversary to announce? Email us at If you haven't already, sign up for our weekday email and get this sent directly to your inbox. [Trib]

— Thomas Burr and Jordan Bailey