Letter: Senate should refuse to OK any Obama nominees

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

If I read Gail Collins' op-ed correctly, she is telling the Republicans not to pay any attention to any of the scandals of this administration and just approve anyone whom the president nominates ("Collins: The art of Senate stoppage," Opinion, Nov. 14).

Bear in mind that this is the same guy who told America that we could keep our health plan if we liked it. In the past I think the Republicans have been too generous with their confirmation votes on people like Eric Holder and Timothy Geithner, to name only two.

I wouldn't care at all if every nominee's vote is held up until this administration shows the willingness to come clean about all of its scandals. This president is finding out that his charisma goes only so far without any substance.

Larry Henkels
