Letter: Trib subscribers can get good delivery service

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A couple of recent Public Forum letters described unfortunate experiences with home delivery ("Trib delivery service is disappointing," Forum, Nov. 23). My own experience, I believe, is more representative of the excellent service that most Tribune subscribers enjoy.

I have received the Tribune Monday-through-Sunday home delivery for many years through all sorts of weather, and on only two mornings have I not received the paper. On both occasions, my phone call to the listed delivery-issues phone number resulted within an hour in a knock on my front door; the delivery person was there with my paper, and with many apologies.

I appreciated this prompt and courteous approach. Perhaps the dissatisfied subscribers might consider going to daily delivery (less for their carrier to remember, and at only pennies more per paper, a real bargain). Additionally, please remember that call-center representatives are there to help resolve your difficulties, even those you might find hard to understand (that representative must have been from Southern Utah). Try to be patient and respectful. You may find that, like many Trib subscribers, you will enjoy many more years of the Trib's insightful, sometimes controversial, but always informed reportage.

Sallie Phelps

Salt Lake City