Letter: Eager's hateful diatribe shows her arrogance

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

As a former Republican delegate, I had a favorable impression of Cherilyn Eagar — until I read her mean-spirited op-ed piece ("Slide toward socialized medicine began with Medicare," Opinion, Nov. 24).

In it she trolls out most of the far right's lies, logical fallacies and ACA scare tactics — the "hollow rhetoric from shallow minds" as practiced by the Fox News gas bags.

The saddest, or funniest, part of her screed is where she uses her rich and pompous physician father's 48-year-old Medicare Act prediction — "Today is the first day of the end of quality delivery of medicine in America." — as proof that the new ACA will be the end of decent health care in America.

The irony of her father being proven profoundly wrong with his right-wing and dire predictions of five decades ago seems to be completely lost on her.

In my opinion the only thing Eagar demonstrated with this hateful diatribe is that she is an arrogant child of privilege with an unwarranted sense of entitlement. It appears she would be happy to see the poor die in the streets as she passed by in her gilded carriage. I hereby nominate Cherilyn for the Marie Antoinette "Let them eat cake" award.

Tom Owens
