Letter: Swallow is victim of self-inflicted would

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Attorney General John Swallow is resigning from office as a whining victim, claiming he is being unfairly attacked for political purposes ("Swallow resigns, proclaiming innocence: 'Time for the madness to stop'," Tribune, Nov. 22). He is a victim, all right, but of a self-inflicted wound that he brought upon himself for rolling in the mud with shady businessmen. Now he is the one crying foul?

The jig is up, Mr. Swallow, and you have now cost the taxpayers of Utah hundreds of thousands of dollars in investigative expenses that could have been prevented by you doing the right thing and resigning from office 10 months ago.

You didn't know how to file your income disclosure statement? You are a seasoned attorney for heaven's sake! Stop the lame excuses!

Sam Milner
