Man throws money onto Christmas singers, gets cited for disorderly conduct

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A Minnesota man decided throw his last thousand dollars into a crowd listening to the song "Let it Snow" on Black Friday, but ended up with a citation when police called his actions disorderly conduct.

Serge Vorobyov explains in a YouTube video that he had a rough year and decided to throw the money — $1,000 in single dollar bills — at the Mall of America to "spread some holiday cheer" and "make it snow money." Another video shows the bills floating down three levels of the massive mall onto a crowd below. Everyone seemed to enjoy the stunt, as the singers and members of the crowd can be seen reaching for the fluttering money.

The Bloomington police, however, gave Vorobyov a frostier response, issuing him a citation for disorderly conduct. The Star Tribune reports that police called the act a publicity stunt Vorobyov pulled to get back an estranged girlfriend. A Mall of America spokeswoman also told the paper Vorobyov could have caused a "serious situation" with his actions.

Despite the citation, Vorobyov seems fairly upbeat in his video, pointing out that the mall didn't hold him liable and no one got hurt. He also admits that he doesn't "see how holiday cheer is disorderly conduct."

— Jim Dalrymple II

Twitter: @jimmycdii