Letter: No matter how you live, you'll need health care

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Brandon Beckham says he doesn't want health insurance ("Young, skeptics key to Obamacare success — or failure," Tribune, Nov. 30). He takes care of his own needs by living a healthy lifestyle, hasn't visited a doctor in a decade and takes natural supplements.

That is like saying I am a safe driver, don't take unnecessary risks and have not had an accident or a ticket in 10 years so I shouldn't be required to purchase insurance on my vehicle.

Eventually the odds will catch up with you, and other people should not have to pay the price for your irresponsibility. If you have no vehicle insurance and crash into me, it is likely that my premiums will increase because my insurance company will incur the expense of repairing or replacing my vehicle. If you have no health insurance and have a serious accident or illness, the cost of your care is absorbed by the rest of us through higher premiums and increased costs.

Like it or not, when we live in an advanced society, our actions affect others. That is the price we pay for the benefits we receive. If you don't want to share the responsibility, then maybe a deserted island or perhaps a Third World country might be the place for you.

Mary Lehman

Cottonwood Heights