Brewvies cancels Kickstarter, still plans to go digital

This is an archived article that was published on in 2013, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

Brewvies Cinema Pub is going ahead with plans to go digital — but the Salt Lake City movie-pub is not asking its patrons to foot the bill directly.

Brewvies on Tuesday night canceled its crowd-funding campaign on Kickstarter, which had garnered $37,220 in pledges — slightly over half its $70,000 goal — with only three days before its deadline.

In a message to supporters who had already pledged, Brewvies' owners wrote, "with the exposure and knowledge gained from this Kickstarter we have managed to work out a plan to install new equipment at our theater. We had reservations from the beginning in asking for funds from our already supportive community, so we are seeing this as good news. Our goal is going to turn to generating an income the old-fashioned way, by providing good service."

The T-shirts that had been offered as an incentive for Kickstarter pledges will be available for sale at Brewvies, 667 S. 200 West in Salt Lake City, sometime this week.