Letter: Thanks to legislators, governor, reporters after session

This is an archived article that was published on sltrib.com in 2014, and information in the article may be outdated. It is provided only for personal research purposes and may not be reprinted.

A big thank you to: Rep. Patrice Arent and the coalition of legislators who sponsored, and sometimes were able to pass, legislation to clean up our air; to Rep. Paul Ray and Sen. Allen Christensen for regulation of e-cigarettes to decrease availability to kids.

To Sen. Brian Shiozawa and Gov. Gary Herbert for all their work to bring reasonable health care reform to the people of Utah.

To Sen. Shiozawa and Rep. Brad Dee for their bill to fund autism services for children.

To Rep. Jim Dunnigan for all of his work over the past year heading the Health Care Reform Task Force, then leading the Swallow investigative panel and finally working with Rep. Dean Sanpei to get the best Medicaid expansion bill they could in the Speaker Lockhart-dominated House.

To Rep. Angela Romero and Sen. Stuart Adams for their bill to educate children in the schools about sexual abuse.

And finally, to the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board, and reporters Kirsten Stewart, Robert Gehrke, Brian Maffly, Lee Davidson and others who covered the whole shooting match with clear, concise and pithy articles on very complicated and ever-moving issues, bills and outcomes.

Good job — take some time off!

Tom Metcalf, M.D.
